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Theory of Computation. This document does not contain many formal constructions - reference a textbook or something for that.

Textbooks & Resources

• [MIT 6.045J (automata, computability, and complexity)](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-045j-automata-computability-and-complexity-spring-2011/) (went through this one fully)
• [MIT 18.404J (theory of comp)](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/18-404j-theory-of-computation-fall-2020/)
• Michael Sispser's TOC textbook


The absolute foundation of theory of computation (imo) is the notion of formal grammar. A formal grammar generally defines the syntax of formal grammars in terms of specific production rules.

Certain production rules can be more strict than others; depending on the strictness of your production rules, you can only possibly define certain "classes" of languages. Chomsky formalized the Chomsky hierarchy in the 1950s, defining regular, context-free, context-sensitive, and recursively enumerable languages. Classical notions of computation are defined in context to this hierarchy.

The language hierarchy is defined as follows:
\text{Regular } \subseteq \text{ Context-Free } \subseteq \text{ Context-Sensitive } \subseteq \text{ Recursively Enumerable }
That is, every regular language is also a context-free language, etc.

Regular Languages

The defining characteristic of regular languages is that they are recognizable by deterministic or nondeterministic finite automata, or a regular expression. Example language:
L = \{a^n \: \mid \: n \ge 0 \}

Regular language tidbits:
• regular languages are closed under intersection, union, concatenation, complement, and kleene star (i.e., doing these operations with regular languages always results in another regular language)
• containment ($L(A) \subseteq L(B)$), disjointness ($L(A) \cap L(B) = \emptyset$), and universality are decidable in PSPACE-complete time.
• membership and emptiness are also decidable
• Buchi Automata are finite automata that accept infinite words, or $\Sigma^w$

Context-Free Languages

Ever try to write a regular expression for something, but realize the regular expression just can't handle the complexity if what you're trying to make it do? For example, you try to write a regular expression to recognize a Python function and fail miserably. What do you do!?!

Context-Free languages are recognized by pushdown automata, essentially a finite automata with a stack of memory. Example language:
L = \{a^n b^n \: \mid \: n \ge 1 \}

Context-free languages have context-free grammars, which notably are expressive enough to recognize programming language syntax. BNF form and EBNF form, which are grammars used more in practice, are equivalent to context-free grammars.

Many tidbits:
• The pushdown automata recognizing a given context-free language acts as a parser, and checking membership (i.e. $w \in L(G)) is decidable in polynomial time. - CFLs are closed under union, concatenation, and kleene star
• CFLs, notably, are not closed under intersection, complement, and difference - equivalence ($L(A) = L(B)$), disjointness ($L(A) \cap L(B)$), containment ($L(A) \subseteq L(B)$), and universality between context-free languages are undecidable

Context-Sensitive Languages

Context-sensitive languages, also known as Turing-decidable languages, are languages where a Turing machine accepts words in the language and rejects words not in the language (aka, deciding any given word). This implies the deciding Turing machine halts on any given word inside or outside the language. Example:
L = \{a^n b^n c^n \: \mid \: n \ge 1 \}

• Closed under union, intersection, concatenation, kleene star
• Not closed complement
• Natural language is generally considered context-sensitive

Recursively Enumerable

Recursively enumerable languages are languages in which a Turing machine can enumerate all words in the language. Keep in mind, regular, context-free, and context-sensitive languages are subsets of recursively enumerable, so a Turing machine can enumerate the words in those languages too. Recursively Enumerable languages can also be defined as languages that are not decidable by Turing machines.

Via rice's theorem, we know all non-trivial semantic properties of programs are undecidable. Thus, for example language in this class is:
L = \{M \: \mid \: M \text{ accepts a string } w}

Beyond Recursively Enumerable

Languages where a Turing machine cannot recognize a language evidently fall outside of recursively enumerable. Here's an example:
L = \{M \: \mid \: M \text{ rejects a string } w}

Decidable vs Recognizable vs Unrecognizable

Understand that on a given input, a Turing machine can either accept, reject, or loop. Via the halting problem (and, rice's theorem), we cannot write a program to determine whether a given turing machine will halt (either on accept or reject) on some arbitrary input.

So, we define our terms (given a language $L$):
• Deciding $TM$ on $L$: $TM$ accepts words in $L$ and rejects words not in $L$
• Recognizing $TM$ on $L$: $TM$ accepts words in $L$ and rejects or loops on words not in $L$
• Non-recognizing $TM$ on $L$: $TM$ accepts or loops on words in $L$, and rejects or loops on words not in $L$

Deterministic and Nondeterministic Turing Machines

Without getting into the formal definition of a turing machine, turing machines consist of a finite control and an infinite tape. The finite control can be deterministic or nondeterministic (similarly to finite automata that recognize regular languages).

Given a nondeterministic turing machine that decides some language, if there exists a path where a word is accepted, that word is included in the language. Also, a deterministic turing machine can simulate a nondeterministic turing machine in exponential time (i.e. exploring all the branches).

A simple characterization of P and NP

Simply put, a problem is in the complexity class $P$ is it can be solved by a deterministic turing machine in polynomial time. Similarly, a problem is in $NP$ if it can be solved in polynomial time by a nondeterministic turing machine.


• Michael Sisper's textbook
Rice's Theorem