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All things linux security!


• LinEnum, privilege escalation checks on Linux: github.com/rebootuser/LinEnum
• LinPEAS, an amazing privilege escaltion script: github.com/carlospolop/PEASS-ng/tree/master/linPEAS#linpeas---linux-privilege-escalation-awesome-script

System Structure

/bin -> essential user command binaries
/etc -> configuration files for the system
- /etc/pam.d/ -> pluggable authentication modules, responsible for checking the local account authentication
- /etc/security -> many things installed with pam
- /etc/security/limits.conf -> resource limits for specific users
- /etc/host.conf -> resolver configuration file, see man host.conf
- /etc/sudoers -> shows who can run what without using sudo. edit with visudo
/sbin -> essential system binaries
/usr -> read-only user application support data & binaries
- /usr/bin -> lots of user commands and whatnot
- /usr/include -> lots of standard includes, e.g., things required to run c
- /usr/lib -> obj, bin. lib files for coding and packages and whatnot
- /usr/local -> local software, contains bin, lib, man, sbin, share
- /usr/share -> data for sharing across all architectures
/var -> variable data files
- /var/cache -> application cache data
- /var/lib -> data modified as programs run
- /var/log -> logs
- /var/opt -> variable data for installed packages
- /var/spool -> where data goes when it's waiting to be processed, e.g., /var/spool/mail
- /var/tmp -> temporary files saved between reboots
/dev -> device files
- /dev/null -> deletes everything that's written to it
/home -> user home directories
/lib -> libraries and kernel modules
/mnt -> mount files and temporary file systems
/opt -> optional software applications
/proc -> process and kerenl info files
/root -> home dir for the root user!
/boot -> everything needed for boot

Important things to check

who/w -> see who is currently logged in
last -> last login
ps aux/top -> see what processes are currently running
netstat -tuln/ss -tuln -> see active network connections
= /etc/passwd -> check for unfamiliar user accounts
/etc/shadow -> for users with no passwords or weak passwords
- look for users with UID of 0 other than root
- to disable an account, put a ! in front of their hash as such: username:!$6$hashvalue:...
/etc/log/auto.log or /var/log/secure
• check crontab at /etc/crontab
• look at services in /etc/systemd and /etc/init.d
• check out /etc/rc.local and /etc/inittab
• nmap scan on myself: nmap -p- -sV --open -v
• look at permissions for like, the fucking cronjob items lmao. /var/spool/cron
• look at vim history
• look at sudoers

Analyzing sus things

• identify sus processes with top/htop
• use ps aux to list all running processes. look for sus things!
• look at netstat -tulnp or ss -tulnp to see active network connections - look for unfamiliar IP addresses or unexpected outbound connections.
- also, look at lsof -i :port to find which processes are using network connections. might need sudo.
• check ps -aux | grep [PID]
• once we have a process, use lsof -p [PID] to see which files the process is accessing, or strace -p [PID] to trace system calls made by it
• to analyze a suspicious binary, use GDB, strings, file (to determine filetype)