Kubernetes: Container orchestration. Uses the primary/replica model.
- API server: serves the kubernetes API
- scheduler
• Nodes: a machine where containers/workloads are deployed
- contains kubelet, nameserver, etc
• Pod: multiple pods in a node.
- ReplicaSet: a replica of the current applications
- StatefulSets: controller that enforce uniqueness etc among pods
• falco: xmlisse.wordpress.com/2023/04/27/falco/
- note with falco, we need to install the falco kernel module on all our things. reference this: falco.org/docs/getting-started/falco-kubernetes-quickstart/
• WikipediaCommands
•kubectl get nodes
-> list all cluster nodes
kubectl describe nodes
-> gives detailed node info
kubectl get namespaces
-> describes all namespaces in the cluster
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
-> get pods in namespaces
kubectl get pods -n [namespace]
-> get shit in the given namespace
kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces
-> list all deployments lol
kubectl get statefulset --all-namespaces
-> lists all statefulsets
kubectl top pods --all-namespaces
-> gets the top pods lol. also, can work with nodes
kubectl get events --all-namespaces
-> gets all events
kubectl get services
-> get all services
kubectl describe service
-> describe a service lol
kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces
-> list all secrets, used for storing sensitive data like passwords and keys etc
kubektl delete pods -l app=[app] -n [namespace]
-> delete pods lol
kubectl exec -it [pod name] -n [namespace] -- /bin/sh
-> exec a shell in the docker container of the pod
kubectl logs -n [namespace] [pod-name]
-> get logs and stuff
kubectl get secret [secret] -o yaml
-> get some secret, output it to yaml. you will have to decode the password and shit.
kubectl get services -w
-> watch the services
kubectl delete service [service]
-> deletes a service
kubectl delete -f [file]
-> delete a configuration file
• Control Plane: master node, which manages workload across the whole system- API server: serves the kubernetes API
- scheduler
• Nodes: a machine where containers/workloads are deployed
- contains kubelet, nameserver, etc
• Pod: multiple pods in a node.
- ReplicaSet: a replica of the current applications
- StatefulSets: controller that enforce uniqueness etc among pods
• medium.com/@laurent.roffe_24715/first-nextcloud-deployment-in-k8s-manual-full-steps-eca2566751e7• falco: xmlisse.wordpress.com/2023/04/27/falco/
- note with falco, we need to install the falco kernel module on all our things. reference this: falco.org/docs/getting-started/falco-kubernetes-quickstart/