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DNS is a distributed and hierarchal database whose main purpose is to exchange names (e.g. www.google.com) for IP addresses (e.g.

DNS Reading List

A Look at the ECS Behavior of DNS Resolvers
Comments on DNS Robustness
DNS Measurements at a Root Server
An Empirical Study of the Cost of DNS-over-HTTPS
On Modern DNS Behavior and Properties
A Day At The Root of The Internet
Detecting Malicious Flux Service Networks through Passive Analysis of Recursive DNS Traces
ZMap: Fast Internet-wide Scanning and Its Security Applications
• [Domain Name System (DNS) Cookies](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7873)
Detecting DNS Root Manipulation
Identifying Aggressive DNS Resolver Behaviors using Unsupervised Machine Learning
Going Wild: Large-Scale Classification of Open DNS Resolvers
All Your DNS Records Point to Us Understanding the Security Threats of Dangling DNS RecordsThreats of Dangling DNS Records
An End-to-End, Large-Scale Measurement of DNS-over-Encryption: How Far Have We Come?
AWS DNS network hijack turns MyEtherWallet into ThievesEtherWallet
• [Deploying and Monitoring DNS Security (DNSSEC)](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5380700)
DNS Lame delegations: A case-study of public reverse DNS records in the African Region
Rate-limiting State
A Deep Dive into DNS Query Failures
Limiting Replay Vulnerabilities in DNSSEC
Deploying Cryptography in Internet-Scale Systems: A Case Study on DNSSEC