I got kinda bored of Vim's default start screen. So, I created a cool Vim start screen without using the VimStart plugin. See an image of it below:
I set the function to return if there are command line arguments, the buffer isn't empty, vim isn't invoked by
Then, I set a bunch of local options for the new buffer:
Then, I fill the content of the buffer with my ascii art:
I set some specific commands for this buffer:
To disable scrolling, I changed the scroll mappings on this buffer only:
And that's it! If you're curious, you can find my full
The setup is pretty simple - all I do is open and modify a custom buffer whenever I runnvim
without any arguments.
, I execute the function Start()
on VimEnter
. To see more about how VimEnter
works, see vim's helpscreen with :h VimEnter
fun! Start()
" startup function contents
autocmd VimEnter * call Start()
I set the function to return if there are command line arguments, the buffer isn't empty, vim isn't invoked by
or gvim
, or if I start in insert mode:
if argc() ||
line2byte('$') != -1 ||
v:progname !~? '^[-gmnq]\=vim\=x\=\%[\.exe]$' ||
Then, I set a bunch of local options for the new buffer:
" new buffer
" buffer options
\ bufhidden=wipe
\ buftype=nofile
\ nobuflisted
\ nocursorcolumn
\ nocursorline
\ nolist
\ nonumber
\ noswapfile
\ norelativenumber
\ syntax=off
Then, I fill the content of the buffer with my ascii art:
" write to buffer
for line in split(system('cat startscreen.vimstart'), '\n')
call append('$', '' . l:line)
" No modifications to this buffer
setlocal nomodifiable nomodified
I set some specific commands for this buffer:
" new buffer commands
nnoremap <buffer><silent> e :enew<CR>
nnoremap <buffer><silent> i :enew <bar> startinsert<CR>
nnoremap <buffer><silent> o :enew <bar> startinsert<CR>
nmap <C-a> :enew <bar> startinsert <bar> :Goyo 80<CR>
To disable scrolling, I changed the scroll mappings on this buffer only:
nmap <buffer> <ScrollWheelUp> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <S-ScrollWheelUp> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <C-ScrollWheelUp> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <ScrollWheelDown> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <S-ScrollWheelDown> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <C-ScrollWheelDown> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <ScrollWheelLeft> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <S-ScrollWheelLeft> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <C-ScrollWheelLeft> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <ScrollWheelRight> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <S-ScrollWheelRight> <nop>
nmap <buffer> <C-ScrollWheelRight> <nop>
And that's it! If you're curious, you can find my full
file on Github.
← 2023