← 2022


Here's some of the details behind how I configured my home network and set up my locally hosted minecraft server. This post is mainly for my own future reference.


I don't have enough money to blow on a new high-speed modem, so I was stuck with the default modem Comcast Xfinity, my Internet provider, gives to their customers for free. Comcast Xfinity had recently upgraded our modem for free, so I had made the easy mistake in believing I could actually make use of it.

It turns out, this "upgrade" severely inhibited the functionality of the model. I was now unable to edit most of the modem's settings without downloading Comcast Xfinity's disfunctional, spyware-ridden mobile app. To emphasize on the latter bit, the app would attempt to collect my location every 30 seconds.

My solution to getting around the god-awful modem was setting it into "bridge mode" in the local settings. See Xfinity's support article.


I built a computer out of some old parts and installed pfsense on it. (I made a reddit post further detailing specs, details, etc).


I attached my raspberri pi 4 running Arch Linux to my network, gave it a static IP address assignment, and created a port forwarding rule to that IP address in pfsense. I then configured the pi as an SSH server.

To restart the pi through ssh, use sudo shutdown -r now

Minecraft Server

Because pis have poor single-core performance, the only way viable way to run a minecraft server smoothly is to use papermc. I just replaced my server's jar file with papermc's and everything worked fine. I further optimized the server with help from this reddit post and this blog post.

To keep the minecraft server up 24/7, I found the best solution was to create a systemd service. I initially tried to use a cron job, but this solution proved to be clunky. Systemd better.

ok, systemd has problems, but it's fine for my pi.

Anyways, guided by this stackoverflow post, I created mc.service in the directory .config/systemd/user with the contents:

Description=Minecraft Server

ExecStart=/bin/sh /home/pi/Server/run.sh


← 2022